Thursday, October 15, 2015

Specimen 10: Anomadon rostratus

Figure 1: A bright green mat of Anomadon rostratus growing beside a tree. 

Figure 2:Leaves are less than two millimeters with costa present (Magnification x15)

Name: Anomadon rostratus
Phylum: Bryophyta
Family: Thuidiaceae
Common Name: Yellow yarn moss
Collection Date: September 4, 2015 
Habitat: On the ground, near the base of an old tree. In a backyard setting.
Location: Hiram College campus, Hiram, Ohio
Description: Bright, green, thick pleurocarpic moss. Leaves are approximately 1 mm long, lance-shaped with a midrib and are abundant and compact on branches, making the branches look fuzzy.
Collector: Linden Glaze

Key used: McKnight, Karl B. et al. 2013. Common Mosses of the Northeast and Appalachians. Princeton University Texts, New Jersey.

Keying steps:
Key Features Path to the Keys (pg. 16):
Key Feature 1: Growth Form.... Pleurocarp
Key Feature 2: Leaf Shape.... lance-like pleurocarp
Key Structure 3: Midrib..... lance-like pleurocarp with midrib... Key VI pg. 358

Key VI: Pleurocarps with lance-shaped leaves with midrib
1, Plants rarely more than 3 cm. above substrate... 7
7. Terrestrial.... 8
8. Leaves less than 2mm long...... 9
9. Grows in tangled carpets or mats.... 10
10. Shoots lack cluster of branchlets at tips...... 11
11. Plants crowded, short branches arising from creeping stems...... 12
12. Leaves spreading only slightly from the stem..... Anomadon rostratus (pg. 217)

Specimen 9: Hygroamblystegium varium

Figure 1: Clump of H. varium on cement.

Figure 2: Tiny leaves less than a millimeter long. (Magnification x24)

Figure 3: Branches of H. varium overlay each other, forming a mat (Magnification x8.4)

Figure 4: Leaves with costa slightly parted from the branch. (Magnification x75.5)

Name: Hygroamblystegium varium
Phylum: Bryophyta
Family: Amblystegiaceae
Common Name: Tangled Thread Moss
Collection Date: September 3, 2015 
Habitat: On cement in a backyard-like setting, tucked under debris of dead grass.
Location: Hiram College campus, Hiram, Ohio
Description: Dark grayish-green, pleurocarpus moss with tiny leaves about less than 1 mm long. Leaves have midrib and are lance-shaped. Grows in a clamp, branches overlaying each other.
Collector: Linden Glaze

Key used: McKnight, Karl B. et al. 2013. Common Mosses of the Northeast and Appalachians. Princeton University Texts, New Jersey

Keying steps:
Key Features Path to the Keys (pg. 16):
Key Feature 1: Growth Form.... Pleurocarp
Key Feature 2: Leaf Shape.... lance-like pleurocarp
Key Structure 3: Midrib..... lance-like pleurocarp with midrib... Key VI pg. 358

Key VI: Pleurocarps with lance-shaped leaves with midrib (pg. 358)
1, Plants rarely more than 3 cm. above substrate... 7
7. Terrestrial.... 8
8. Leaves less than 2 mm long...... 9
9. Grows in tangled carpets or mats.... 10
10. Shoots lack cluster of branchlets at tips...... 11
11. Plants crowded, short branches arising from creeping stems...... 12
12. Leaves spread atleast 45 degrees from the stem when wet..... 13
13. Leaves 1-2 mm long...... Hygroamblystegium varium

Specimen 8: Polytrichum commune

Figure 1: P. commune loosely grouped together. 

Figure 2: Four sided capsule of P. commune with green spores inside.

Figure 3: Acrocarpus gametophyte with very tall sporophyte (Magnification x8.4)

Figure 4: Long lance shaped leaves with costa and small teeth. (Magnification x24)

Name: Polytrichum commune
Phylum: Bryophyta
Family: Polytrichaceae
Common Name: Common Haircap Moss
Collection Date: September 10, 2015
Habitat: Bog area, on ground.
Location: Triangle Lake Bog State Nature Preserve, Ravenna, Ohio
Description: Tall, acrocarpus moss about 6 cm tall. Individual branches squished together tightly like a mat. Leaves lance like.  Tall sporophyte (about 4 cm tall). Leaves are about 6 cm long.
Collector: Linden Glaze

Key used: McKnight, Karl B. et al. 2013. Common Mosses of the Northeast and Appalachians. Princeton University Texts, New Jersey

Keying steps:
Key Features Path to the Keys (pg. 16):
Key Feature 1: Growth Form.... Acrocarp
Key Feature 2: Leaf Shape.... lance-like leaves, acrocarp
Key Structure 3: Midrib..... lance-like arcocarp with midrib... Key II pg. 342

Key II: Acrocarps with lance like leaves (pg. 342)
1. Plants yellow green, with shoots loosely associated, midrib present..... 3
3. Not submerged in water, found on soil,,,, 4
4. Leaf surface not wavy when wet.... 9
9. Leaves mostly greater than 4 mm..... 10
10. Wet leaves thick, stiff and opaque when held to the light when wet, resembles pine needles, midrib difficult to see... 14
14. Leaf margin toothed expect along the base...... 17
17. Capsules 4 sided like a box..... 19
19. Capsules with a disk at attachment to stalk..... Polytrichum commune (pg 57)

Specimen 7: Sparassis radicata

Figure 1: Large fruiting body of S. radicata on the body of the log. It is distinctive for its many fleshy branches with flatten ends.

Name: Sparassis radicata
Phylum: Basidomycota
Family: Sparassidaceae
Common Name: Cauliflower Fungus
Collection Date: September 17, 2015
Habitat: Growing on the side of a fallen tree in the woods, close to the ground.
Location: South Chagrin Reservation, Chagrin Falls, Ohio
Description: Large fruiting body (nearly a foot tall). Very fleshly, rubbery, moist, and white with many ruffled, flat branches.
Collector: Linden Glaze

Key used: Miller Jr., Orson K. Mushrooms of North America. Chanticleer Press, New York.

Keying Steps:

Key to Coral Fungus (pg. 233)
1. b. Multiple branched fruiting body.... 5
5. b. Coarse branches, blunt or flattened.... 6
6. a. Coarse branches with flattened broad ends.... Sparassis radicata

Specimen 6: Leucobryum glacum

Figure 2: A big, dense mat of Leucobryum glacum covers the ground at Triangle Lake Bog

Figure 3: Curled leaves without midrib on top of each branch. (Magnification x19.5) 

Figure 4: Light green leaves of L. glacum on stem about 1 cm tall.

Name: Leucobryum glacum
Phylum: Bryophyta
Family: Leucobryaceae
Common Name: Pincushion Moss 
Collection Date:  September 10, 2015
Habitat: Found on ground level in a bog.
Location: Triangle Lake Bog State Nature Preserve, Ravenna, Ohio
Description: Spiky, small, light green peat moss. Leaves are small and pointed with edges slightly curled up. Has a fuzzy appearance. Shoots are packed together very closely 
Collector: Linden Glaze

Key used: McKnight, Karl B. et al. 2013. Common Mosses of the Northeast and Appalachians. Princeton University Texts, New Jersey

Keying steps:

Key Features Path to the Keys (pg. 16):
Key Feature 1: Growth Form.... Acrocarp
Key Feature 2: Leaf Shape.... lance-like leaves, acrocarp
Key Structure 3: Midrib..... lance-like arcocarp without midrib... Key II (pg. 342)

Key II: Acrocarps with lance like leaves (pg. 342)
1. plants light green, very debsely packed together, leaves tubular, seemingly without midrib.... 2
2. Stems 1-9 cm tall leaves 4-8 mm long.... Leucobryum glacum

Specimen 5: Dicranum scoparium

Figure 1: A clump of dark green D. scoparium at the Triangle Lake Bog.

Figure 2: The hairlike leaves of  D. scoparium are elegantly swept to one side of the stem.
 (Magnification x8.4)

Figure 3: An upright shoot (about 1.5 cm tall) indicating D. scoparium is acrocarpus. 
(Magnification 8.4)

Name: Dicranum scoparium
Phylum: Bryophyta
Family: Dicranaceae
Common Name: Windswept Broom Moss
Collection Date: September 10, 2015 
Habitat: In bog area, on the ground. Not submerged in water
Location:  Triangle Lake Bog State Nature Preserve, Ravenna, Ohio
Description: Brillant green acrocarpus moss with hairlike leaves swept in one direction.  Each shoot is about 1.5-2 cm tall.
Collector: Linden Glaze

Key used: McKnight, Karl B. et al. 2013. Common Mosses of the Northeast and Appalachians. Princeton University Texts, New Jersey

Keying steps:
Key Features Path to the Keys (pg. 16):
Key Feature 1: Growth Form.... Acrocarp
Key Feature 2: Leaf Shape.... hairlike acrocarp
Key Structure 3: Midrib..... hairlike acrocarp with midrib... Key I pg. 341

Key I: Acrocarps with hairlike leaves (pg. 341)
1. Plants larger than one centimeter tall.... 3
3. Leaves swept to one side of the stem, more or less pointing in the same direction..... 4
4. Plants dark green, entire clump swept to one side.... Dicranum scoparium (pg. 47)

Specimen 4: Lycoperdon perlatum

Figure 1: Plump Lycoperdon perlatum sitting under a tree.

Figure 2: Lycoperdon perlatum looks pear-shaped with its sterile base holding it above the ground.

Figure 3: Tiny spines cover the surface of Lycoderdon perlatum.

Name: Lycoperdon perlatum
Phylum: Basidomycota
Family: Agaricaceae
Common Name: Common Puffball
Collection Date:  October 10, 2015
Habitat: Beech-maple forest, under a tree.
Location: James H. Barrows Field Station, Hiram, Ohio
Description: Dirty white bulb about 3 cm tall. Tiny spikes cover the top of its peridium. Yellowish, white gleba. About 3 centimeters high.
Collector: Linden Glaze

Key used: Miller, Orson K. Jr. Mushrooms of North America. Chanticleer Press, New York
Keying steps:

Gastromycetes Key pg. 289
1. b. Not slimy, no disagreeable odor.... 2
2. b. Fruiting body round.... 4
4. Stalk no present, but a short sterile base.... Lycoperdales

Key to True Puffballs pg. 299
1. Young puffball show white spore mass
5. Nearly pear-shaped, less than 7 cm thick.... 16
16. b. Outer layer covered in spines, not on wood..... 17
17. a. Outer skin dullish white, covered in pointed spines..... L. perlatum

Specimen 3: Sphangnum palustre

Figure 1: Yellowish, greenish Sphangnum palustre in bog habitat

Figure 2: Sphangnum palustre with many heads and thick branches

Figure 3: A close of a head of  Sphangnum palustre. (Maginfication x8.4)

Figure 4: The plump branches of Sphangnum palustre, resembling green, spiky worms 
(Magfication x15)

Name: Sphangnum palustre
Phylum: Shangnopsida
Family: Sphagnaceae
Common Name: Blunt-leaved peat moss
Collection Date:  September 10, 2015
Habitat: In bog area, found together in big mats and clumps reaching about a foot high off the ground.
Location: Triangle Lake Bog State Nature Preserve, Ravenna, Ohio
Description: Large yellow-green peat moss with thick branches and large, spiky heads. Leaves are tiny and compact, about 1 mm long.
Collector: Linden Glaze

Key used: McKnight, Karl B. et al. 2013. Common Mosses of the Northeast and Appalachians. Princeton University Texts, New Jersey

Keying steps:

Key Feature Path to the Keys (pg. 16):
Key Feature 1: Growth Form.... Peat Moss Key XII pg. 376

Peat Moss Key XII pg. 376
1. Branched leaves with margins strongly margins strongly incurved, 1/3-1/2 diameter of the stem, plump branches.... 2
2. Plants green, yellowish, brownish, lacking red, pink, purple..... 4
4. Plants green to yellowish brown, typically in bogs.... Sphangum palustre

Specimen 2: Russula

Figure 1: White, thin gills of the Russula specimen. No latex is present between them.

Figure 2: Russula fruiting body growing out of leaf liter in a maple-beech forest.

Figure 3: Reddish cap and white stalk of the Russula.

Name: Russula
Phylum: Basidomycota
Family: Russulaceae
Common Name: Milk Mushroom
Collection Date:  October 8, 2015
Habitat: Found growing out of leaf litter in a maple-beech forest.
Location: James H. Barrow Field Station, Hiram, Ohio
Description: About 8 cm tall. Reddish brown, indented pileus (8 cm in diameter) on white stalk. Gills are also white and semi-attached to the stalk. Moist, fleshy texture. Delicate.
Collector: Linden Glaze

Key used: Miller Jr., Orson K. Mushrooms of North America. Chanticleer Press, New York.

Keying steps:

Basidiomycetes- Key to the Families of Giller Mushrooms (agarics)
1. b.Gills attached to stalk.... 3
3. b. Gills thin but not waxy; on ground, leaves; stalk present.... 4
4. a. Found on ground, in woods, near trees; flesh brittle..... Russulaceae pg. 61

Genus of Russulaceae pg. 61
1. No latex in the gills.... Russula

Specimen 1: Pezizia

Figure 1: Peziza on log

Figure 2: Peziza ruler for scale

Figure 3: Cup-shaped Pezizia on log

Name: Peziza
Phylum: Ascomycota
Family: Pezizaceae
Common Name: Disk Fungus
Collection Date: October 8, 2015
Habitat: Found on decaying log in a beech-maple forest
Location: James H. Barrow Field Station, Hiram, Ohio
Description: Purple, brownish cup-shaped fruiting body in a tight cluster. Each cup about 1 cm or less in diameter.
Collector: Linden Glaze

Key used: Arora, David. 1979, 1986. Mushrooms Demystified2nd edition. Ten Speed Press

Keying steps: 

Asomycetes pg. 55
Cup Fungi Key pg. 783
1. Fruiting body not cabbage-like.... 3
3. Fruiting body cup-shaped... 4
4. Stalk absent.... Pezizceae and Allies pg. 817

Pezizceae and Allies Key pg. 817
1. Fruiting body not a puffball.... 2
2. Fruiting body not a underground ball, splitting at the top into star-like rays.... 3
3. Fruiting body not a n erect club.... 4
4. Fruiting body cuplike/earlike.... 6
6. Stalk absent.... Peziza and Allies pg. 818