Thursday, November 19, 2015

Specimen 11: Lycogala epidendrum

Figure 1: Orange aethalium fruiting body found on a log.

Figure 2: Older grayish fruiting body found on a different log.

Figure 3: Close up of fruiting body. (Magnification x8.4)

Figure 4: Side view of fruiting body. (Magnification x8.4)

Figure 5: Another side view of L. epidendrum. (Magnification x8.4)

Figure 6: L. epidendrum has no stalk, and spore mass not present outside of the body.
 (Magnification x8.4)

Name: Lycogala epidendrum
Phylum: Mycetozoa
Family: Tubiferaceae
Common Name: Wolf's milk 
Collection Date: October 8, 2015 
Habitat: On top of decaying logs in a beech-maple forest.
Location: James H. Barrow Field Station, Hiram, Ohio
Description: Spherical shaped; shiny, smooth skin. Younger specimens are bright orange and become dark gray to gray-brown in age. Approximately a centimeter in diameter. Stalkless, aethalium body attached securely to wood substrate.
Collector: Linden Glaze

Key used:
Stephenson, S. L. and Stempen, H. 1994. Myxomycetes: A handbook of slime molds. Timber Press. Portland, Oregon.

Keying steps:
Key to the Orders of Myxomycetes
1. Spore mass inside fruiting body, enclosed by the peridium.... 2
2. True capillitium absent.... Order Liceales

1. Fruting body is an aethalium.... 2
2. Pseudocapillitium present.... 4
4. Pseudocapillitium consisting of flattened hyaline tubules; spore pallid.... Lycogala epidendrum

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