Thursday, November 19, 2015

Specimen 13: Thuidium delicatulum

Figure 1: The big, feathery moss is the T. delicatulum, taken from the log behind it.

Figure 2: Pinnated branch of T. delicatulum (Magnification x12)

Figure 3: Another close up of T. delicatulum when wet. (Magnification x8.4)

 Figure 4: Leaves of T. delicatulum are very tiny, less than 1 mm, and are ovate-shaped. (Magnification x38.4)

Figure 5: T. delicatulum is pinnatted two times, one of its defining characteristics. 
(Magnification x8.4)

Figure 6: Some dry branches of T. delicatulum show the leaves curled inward, close to the stem. (Magnification x12)

Figure 7: The midrib is present, but very small and easy to miss. (Magnification x40)

Name: Thuidium delicatulum
Phylum: Bryophyta
Family: Mniaceae
Common Name: Delicate fern moss
Collection Date: 10/08/2015
Habitat: On decaying log in a maple-beech forest
Location: James H. Barrow Field Station, Hiram, Ohio
Description:  Appearance looks like a miniature fern. Leaves are tiny (less than 1 mm long), ovate, and branched tightly. The midrib is very tiny and easy to miss. Stems are not completely attached to the ground and are pinnated. 
Collector: Linden Glaze

Key used: McKnight, Karl B. et al. 2013. Common Mosses of the Northeast and Appalachians. Princeton University Texts, New Jersey.

Keying steps:
Key Features Path to the Keys (pg. 16):
Key Feature 1: Growth Form.... Pleurocarp
Key Feature 2: Leaf Shape.... ovate pleurocarp
Key Structure 3: Midrib..... ovate pleurocarp with midrib... Key VIII 

KEY VIII Pleurocarps with ovate leaves with midrib
1. Plants pinnately branched (like a fern).... 2
2. Stems 2-3x pinnated..... 3
3. Stem leaves not pleated, tip close to stem with dry...... Thuidium delicatulum

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