Thursday, November 19, 2015

Specimen 17: Flavoparmelia

Figure 1:  Flavoparmelia attached to a tree.

Figure 2: Close-up on Flavoparmelia's bumpy upper cortex. (Magnification x24)

Figure 3: Body of Flavoparmelia is foliose: heavily lobed. (Magnification x8.4)

Figure 4: Flavoparmelia upper cortex is yellow-green, no fungal fruiting body structures are present.(Magnification x8.4)
Figure 5: Medulla of Flavoparmelia is white, and the black lower cortex is present.
(Magnification x40)

Name: Flavoparmelia
Phylum: Ascomycota
Family: Parmeliaceae
Common Name: Lichen
Collection Date: 09/03/2015
Habitat: On a tree
Location: Hiram College Campus, Hiram, Ohio
Description: Light green, foliose, multiple lobed thallus. Has visible three layers: a black lower cortex, a white medulla, and green upper cortex. Small rhizines are present on the lower cortex. Upper cortex very bumpy.
Collector: Linden Glaze

Key used:  
Showman, R. E. and Flenniken, J. G. 2004. The Marcolichens of Ohio. Ohio Biological Survey. Columbus, Ohio. 

Keying steps:
Key to the Genera of Ohio Marcolichens
1. Thallus foliose... 2
2. Thallus yellow-green... 4
4. Thallus not gelatinous when wet... 6
6. Rhizines present from lower surface... 11
11. Perinthecia absent.... 13
13.  Thallus not umbilicate, broadly attached to the substrate with scatter rhizines, on bark.... 15
15. Thallus contains green algae... 19
19. Medulla white... 24
24. Thallus various without paw-shaped or fist-shaped lobes.... 26
26. Lower surface with cortex though out, lobe narrow or broad... 30
30. Thallus without pores.... 35
35. Thallus yellow-green.... 56
56. Lobes broad, apically rounded, 3-10 mm wide... 57
57. Margins of lobes not cillate.... 58
58. Upper surface without white pores..... Flavoparmelia 

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